Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Two weeks old!

Today has been a day of weird.  Cherry was terrorizing all the other rabbits.  They were all running at top speed around the enclosure and, at one point, six of them were hiding behind the food cans in a close heap.

Then, the one of the supposedly weaned rabbits from Lizzie's litter was upside down underneath her trying to nurse inside the mini-bunny house.  They are practically the same size!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Day #12

Eyes are open!  I took Daisy out at 1:00 am for a bathroom break and saw two of these little scamps crawling around the enclosure, exploring.  They are getting nice and big and I expect to see a lot more of them outside the nest in the next few days.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Day #10

As I was snapping this photo, one of the babies sense Mom was in the area and took off to try to nurse.  Cherry was frantically trying to turn the lid back over on the babies so they couldn't find her!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Day #9

We had visitors today!  Letty and Suzanne came to visit and see all the bunnies.  It's amazing how big Lizzie's "babies" look now.   They look bigger than Daisy, our 8-week-old pug puppy but they are nearly the same age.  Here are Cherry's five babies on Day 9.  I think I identified Robin by being slightly larger than the others and the mark on his right near his tail that I photographed the day s/he was born.
I think Robin is the broken at the top of the picture with the "stripe" down its spine.  Their ears are fully open and moving around.

Day #8

The remaining five are all accounted for.  Their eyes are just starting to slit open a tiny bit.  The last couple of nights have been a little chaotic due t o our new puppy disrupting our routine so the baby bunnies have been visited late in the evening when they are asleep and I haven't wanted to take them out of the nest.  I have three days off so I am planning to do plenty of rabbit chores, including a proper health and welfare check.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day #7

I didn't disturb the babies last night but tonight I found that one of the little solid fawn babies was missing.  I took apart the whole nest and searched the entire enclosure--no sign of it.  I have no idea what happened to it or if it was there last night since I didn't move the babies to count them.  Yesterday's photo only shows five but sometimes one is underneath the rest.  Not this time.  It is very disheartening.