Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day 12

Drew and I have been handling the babies every day so they will be well-socialized.  They still sleep a lot but they are bigger every day.  Grooming has become very important to them.  They are constantly grooming themselves and each other!

I've been examining the color of the darker one and I think it is what is called chestnut.  It definitely isn't black.  I plan to post this picture on the Angora Rabbits group on Facebook and see what the group consensus is.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 8

The babies have a fine coating of fur now and they get visibly bigger every day.

Drew took the girls out to the kennel with Milo for exercise and we spent time with the babies.

They're fun to watch now but it will really be great when their eyes open.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 3

Bunnies grow fast!  Already their little ears are starting to stick up.

Mom keeps dumping them out of the box and Drew and I keep putting them back in.  They burrow down to cardboard.  Thankfully, it is very warm out.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


So my husband calls me at work, about ten minutes before the end of my day, and says, "Can you come home right away?" I said, "Yeah, sure, why?" "Because we have baby rabbits." "What?!"  "Lizzie had babies."

About a month ago, Drew accidentally left Lizzie's cage unlatched while Antonio was out having exercise.  When he went back out to put Antonio back in his cage, he found Antonio and Lizzie sitting side-by-side in her cage.  I feared the worst but Lizzie was only five months old so I thought, "Maybe not."  Yeah, I was wrong.

I'm calling this one Thing One
And this one, Thing Two.

Mom dumped them out of the box during the night, so I had to put them back in.  That's why I could get the pictures I did above.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Spa day

Manicures, pedicures, and hair styling.  That's how I am going to think of it, as bunny spa day, rather than the actual livestock wrasslin' mess that it was.  This shirt was new and clean when I went out today.
I thought Antonio was going to gnaw a hole straight through the shirt and into my spleen!
This is why I am always buying new (to me) t-shirts at Goodwill and the Bethesda Thrift Store because Antonio is so hard on my clothes.

Then I accidentally clipped off too much of one of Cherry's back toenails.  Klot to the rescue!
She got over it, though, and was playing with her toy later on.  It started out as a ball of wicker and twine yesterday at this time and this is what it looks like today.