Wednesday, June 18, 2014


So my husband calls me at work, about ten minutes before the end of my day, and says, "Can you come home right away?" I said, "Yeah, sure, why?" "Because we have baby rabbits." "What?!"  "Lizzie had babies."

About a month ago, Drew accidentally left Lizzie's cage unlatched while Antonio was out having exercise.  When he went back out to put Antonio back in his cage, he found Antonio and Lizzie sitting side-by-side in her cage.  I feared the worst but Lizzie was only five months old so I thought, "Maybe not."  Yeah, I was wrong.

I'm calling this one Thing One
And this one, Thing Two.

Mom dumped them out of the box during the night, so I had to put them back in.  That's why I could get the pictures I did above.


  1. They look like they are doing well. It's cute how they "spoon". Looking forward to the naming or are you going to stick with the thing monikers?

    1. Drew wants to wait until they open their eyes and we have a chance to sex them. About three weeks old.
