Saturday, March 21, 2015

From cages to colony

It was clean-up day at the rabbitry.  I raked out all the old straw from the winter.
 I hauled out straw, hay boxes, various tools...
 I took the soiled straw to the raised bed.  That should put paid to all the weeds that keep sprouting up there, no matter how many times I spray it.
 I aired out the moving blankets that I put over the cages on the 60 below nights.
 I took out the girls' cages and left the boys in theirs.  Fresh straw on the cement floor, some straw bales for jumping on and some nest boxes for the hoped-for babies expected to arrive by next weekend.  Grace is having a nose-to-nose conversation with Ray through the cage door.
 Cherry is checking out the jumping opportunities.
 The girls have food, water, and hay available.
 The boys get to see as well as smell the girls at least.
The girls were out in the runs while I rearranged the area.  They were their usual crabby selves when they thought I was taking them back to their cages.  When they realized that I was going to let them just jump out and run around in the enclosure, they looked around themselves as if to say, "Really?"


  1. You had a busy but productive day! The bunnies look happy!

  2. I worked hard and took three ibuprofen and a benadryl after my shower before I took a well-deserved nap! :-)

  3. Looks good! Here's hoping (and hopping) you weren't too early weather wise.

    1. The girls have already dug out hidey-holes between the straw bales to snuggle into and I haven't removed the lower layer of plastic and straw so they are below the wind line.
