Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cage #5

Drew and I put together a cage to move Breeze and Grace into next weekend.  They will be ready to be weaned on August 3. Our first three cages were from Bass Equipment.  This one and the one we put Ray in are from KW Cages.

The KW cages have urine guards, which Drew is installing here.  They also have a door that opens outwards and to the left rather than inwards and from the bottom like the Bass cages.
 I like the KW cages better but I'm not sure about the waste trays set up.  I'm experimenting with stacking them as we will need to stack cages this winter when we wean Cherry's planned litter.

Here's a picture of Ray enjoying exercise time in the outside pen.  I absolutely love the tortoiseshell coloration.  I spent a few hours yesterday poring over a book on rabbit coat color genetics.  I think we might like to specialize in torts.  There are at least 51 color varieties recognized for French Angoras and I have been collecting photos of the different ones to see what is out there but we already have some good foundation stock for torts so I am leaning that way.

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