Thursday, September 25, 2014

Breeding Day at the Rabbitry

This time, with careful planning, Drew and I bred Ray to Cherry.  We bred them this morning at 6:00 am and then again in the evening, at about 5:30 pm.  The first time, we put Cherry in Ray's cage for a few minutes.  As seems to be usual, Ray was a little confused about which end he needed to be at to get the job done.  I reached in and turned Cherry around for him.  This afternoon, we put them together in one of the outdoor exercise pens.  He still didn't get it right at first but Cherry had room to turn around on her own.  Then we let them spend a little time together as the bucks don't get to spend time with other rabbits because they only want to mate or fight, depending on gender.  Cherry groomed his face and he followed her around and laid down next to her.  Here are a few pictures, although it was difficult because Cherry was on the move.

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