Sunday, October 5, 2014

Wool Harvesting

Today we harvested wool from Grace, Breeze, Lizzie, and Ray.  Lizzie is the only one with her adult coat but all four were molting so we gathered from everyone.  We blew their coats out with the blower, I brushed out the few remaining mats, then I plucked while Drew put the wool in boxes.  We have a new grooming table so I can stand while plucking, which is better for my back and easier to reach all the way around the bunny.
Ray, right before we started cleaning him up

It took us about an hour and a half but we had a lot of wool collected by the end.  A lot was on me as well.
Today was also the day to "palpate" Cherry to check to see if she is indeed pregnant.  You are supposed to be able to feel little grape-sized bumps in the abdomen but even veteran breeders can't always tell so the fact that I felt nothing means very little.  If it didn't take, we have a second breeding date planned before winter sets in.

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