Sunday, November 16, 2014


We put nest boxes lined with straw in everyone's cage so that they had a place to snuggle in as it gets colder.  Some of the buns, like Breeze, like it very much...

Others, like Grace, use it as a lookout perch so they can see when food is about to arrive...

We also ordered some straw bales to pile up around the enclosure to cut the wind.

Then we lowered the shades on the sides and we lower the ones on the front at night.  We also ordered some quilted moving blankets to drape over the cages when it gets really cold.  The water crocks are frozen every morning but at least with the crock system, the buns can lick the ice or sometimes break through when it isn't fully frozen.  I've checked into it with a lot of other rabbit bloggers and this is a perennial problem with outside rabbits, but unless you have a separate barn built for your rabbits that is climate-controlled, there is little you can do about it except keep replacing it every morning and evening.  I've gone in at lunchtime and broken the crust for them as well.  I think we are ready for winter which is good because it arrived yesterday!

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